Friday, February 14, 2014

Working To Make Dreams Come True

When I started college and was asked by many people,"What do you want to do after college?" I could not answer that question for a very long time but after being in college a couple years I really started to think about it and what I am passion about and how I could have a job in public relations and enjoy it because I am passionate. When I received anopportunity to write an article for my potential dream job I was very excited to be able to talk to the social media manager for Disney Land. This job is something that I would love to do and I wrote an article about a day in the life of a social media manager at Disney. This article was posted in a newsletter magazine for a student organization, Legacy PR. I will posted here as well to be able to show a day in the life of one of the public relations jobs that Disney has to offer.

 Every college student is always asked the same questions. What do you want to do after graduation? Or What do you plan to do with your major? Well for me the answer is simple. I would like to work for the world renowned company of Walt Disney.
Matt Prince is the Social Media Manager at Walt Disney Land. Prince has held this position for eight months now. He thoroughly enjoys his job and loves to know that people all over the world are seeing his work through Facebook and Twitter.

 Prince does not fully agree with the saying that it’s not what you know it’s who you know. He has a different way of saying it.
“Who you know opens the door, but it is what you know that blows the door off its hinges,” Prince expressed.
Prince describes his work as ever-changing and always exciting. He also stated that no two days are the same at Disney.
Prince loves to work for such an amazing company and especially enjoys his current position where he can step right outside his office and he walk into Disney Land. With his office and work place being so close Prince has the opportunity to see and interact with the guests all the time. Prince’s favorite part of his job as the Social Media Manager is that he can engage with the guests face to face every day. He also enjoys being able to walk around the park and see the difference that they are making to all of the different guests. These assets make Prince’s current position one that he looks forward to everyday.
Prince is a true fan of Disney and thinks that anyone who has the dream to work for Disney needs to be a huge fan and make sure that they are always keeping that dream in mind. Prince also made it clear that building relationships and networking is key to find your “in” at a company that you strive to work for.
“First you must plant the seed by networking with the person, then you water the seed by making additional contacts to them and hopefully it will grow and sprout into something awesome that you have always wanted,” said Prince.

This advice can be related to any career but the advice and experience that Prince described has only strengthened my dream of being employed with the Disney Company.  The career and opportunities that Disney can offer fit the dream that I have had since a kid to be able to work for the Disney Company. To have the experience to talk and interview a current Disney employee makes the dream seem reachable and an experience that could be mine sometime within my career. I will go through my public relations career with the hope in my mind that someday I will be able to say that I work for the greatest company in the world, Disney. 

This is the most influential part of the article that talks about working for Disney. Reading these quotes and experiences again I know even more that I wan to work for the company that makes dreams come true, Disney.

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