Friday, February 28, 2014

Vacations tips for your next trip to Disney

As I am thinking how much I want summer vacations to be here I think, Walt Disney World is always a summer vacation. I have been to Disney World once before but am thinking about going back and working there more and more. I found a very informational website giving travelers ten tips on how to travel and dine at Walt Disney World. I have posted the tips and then talked about them in more of a travelers language.

We all need help planning our vacation!

Tip #1: Plan Ahead and find the package deals
Tip #2: You can not do it all
Tip #3: Book Disney Reservations
Tip #4: Disney World Transportation = Free
Tip #5: It is hot, plan for the weather
Tip #6: Make dining reservations before you leave home
Tip #7: Make your itinerary ahead of time
Tip #8: Want cheaper park tickets? Plan ahead and buy the appropriate park tickets
Tip #9: Keep in mind what time of year you are traveling to Disney
Tip #10: Make a budget and stick to it.

All of these tips are very helpful even for a Disney traveler. I think these tips would have been very helpful for my family and I when we traveled so I wanted to be able to help other travelers be prepared and help them remember the simple things that you would have the potential of forgetting. A lot of these tips can be summarized to PLAN AHEAD but there are other things that can help travelers as well. As I read the website and think about the tips they all have double meanings and this is how I interpreted them and explain them in travelers language.

  • #1: If you are going to multiple parks use the deals and save money
  • #2: Unless you want to be running around like crazy people pick your top attractions and do those and not everything else
  • #3: Use the resources that Disney provides so you are not worrying while on vacation
  • #4: No car no problem! Use the transportation to save money
  • #5: Since it is quite the weather change for most people make sure to shower, drink water, and stay hydrated
  • #6: Again when dining out having a reservation will just make the vacation less hectic
  • #7: When you have a schedule prior you are more likely to get everything you wanted to get done accomplished
  • #8: Know what you want to see and go to and make sure to buy the correct tickets
  • #9: Christmas and Halloween are busy times at Disney but they also have extended times and awesome parades and fireworks. It all depends on what you want to see and do.
  • #10: When you plan ahead and make an itinerary and a budget your vacation will be the best that you could imagine
I really think that theses tips are some of the best things to think about while planning your vacation to Disney World so that you enjoy your time and your memories and make sure your 'Dreams Come True.'

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