Sunday, March 23, 2014

"The Disney Vault" Disney's Public Relations Strategy

With in the Disney Company there are a lot of aspects that 'Make Dreams Come True.' Some of these aspects are the parks and how you can interact with the characters, watching the shows on Disney Channel, and of course enjoying the wide array of movies. With that being said the first Disney movie that can out was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1938. This movie came out seventy-six years ago. The movies continued to come out into theaters for the many years to come. Disney thought of an amazing strategy for how the movies could be enjoyed from generation to generation and to not have to discount them after being on the shelves for a month or so. The idea was called the "Disney Vault."

The "Disney Vault" is the term used by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment for its policy of putting home video releases of Walt Disney Animation Studios's animated features onmoratorium. Each Disney film is available for purchase for a limited time, after which it is put "in the vault" and not made available in stores for several years until it is once again released. (Wikipedia)

This video explains the ingenious decision that Disney made to re purpose the film to make it better for the future generations to view. 

USA Today stated, "You create anticipation, and you have the chance to still charge full price," he says. "If you keep it out on shelves, the only option you have is to keep repricing it, lower and lower."

With this being said I believe that this is a great idea that Disney came up with long ago. I do not think that it is all about getting people's money for the movies. I think that it is there for every generation to be able to enjoy the movies that the Disney corporation produced years ago again and again. My mom had most of the VHS copies of the Disney movies and now I am collecting my own DVD copies so that I can share them with my children and have them enjoy the movies as much as I did.

This is great for Disney's public relations and marketing departments because there is a constant talk about what movie will be released next and what changes or features have they added. Again I think that this is a great thing that Disney did and I too am waiting for the next movie to come out of "the vault."

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